Store-bought puff pastry works well in this savory tart; thaw it according to package instructions. Emmentaler or Fontina cheese can be substituted for the Gruyere.
Flour, for work surface
1 frozen puff pastry
5 1/2 ounces (2 cups) Gruyere cheese, shredded
1 1/2 pounds medium or thick asparagus
1 tablespoon olive oil
Salt and pepper
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. On a floured surface, roll the puff pastry into a 16-by-10-inch rectangle. Trim uneven edges. Place pastry on a baking sheet. With a sharp knife, lightly score pastry dough 1 inch in from the edges to mark a rectangle. Using a fork, pierce dough inside the markings at 1/2-inch intervals. Bake until golden, about 15 minutes.
2. Remove pastry shell from oven, and sprinkle with Gruyere. Trim the bottoms of the asparagus spears to fit crosswise inside the tart shell; arrange in a single layer over Gruyere, alternating ends and tips. Brush with oil, and season with salt and pepper. Bake until spears are tender, 20 to 25 minutes
recipe exchange via MIL
I was hoping for some comments to help me with this. 40 minutes cooking time on the shell seems long. Is it chewable for those with new teeth? I will try today if I can find the pastry. The asparagus is in and I am anxious to find out what it is like. It sure looks good. Thanks.
Salt water, my MIL sent it to me. She got it from the food network. So I googled the name and found the link, http://www.foodtv.ca/recipes/recipedetails.aspx?dishid=7109
But it also says nothing about changing temps or cooking time. I would just watch it closely and not let it burn. Take it out when you can put a fork into them and they are still a little firm but mostly tenderish. Vegetables will continue to cook for just a bit after removed.
Now in my research, I did find another that says top steam the asparagus til fork tender and put into cool wayter to stop the cooking and then drain and place on the cheese on tart as directed. I would try that personally to cut down the cooking time. Let me know what you did and I'll post it. Unfortunately, I've not had the opportunity yet to try it. But I intend to.
It turned out great! We took your advice and pre-cooked the asparagus. The shell we shortened to 15 min to brown and 10 minutes to melt the cheese. We ate it with left over vegan beans. Very Good. Thanks. Next time we will make a crust of our own, because the puff pastry is way too high in fat. My wife is type one diabetic and her blood sugar goes through the roof and then crashes with fat. The combination of Gruyere cheese and asparagus was so good that I think it would work on any starch. The wife and I found fun and flavor in your post. Thanks!
Thank you for your input, and hi to the Mrs.
Hello, are you back from vacation yet? It has been too long since your last post. I've made apple pie and asparagus something as a result of your blog. Now I am looking for a better idea of what to do with potatoes that are not storing well. They are all shooting roots and some are tasting hairy. Boiling them first leaves them fryable. But frying them unboiled is rough. They taste frost bit. They do clean well, so I think they are okay. Any recipes for almost not so good potatoes?
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